
We are well into Spring now and there does seem to be some honey flow so hopefully most of us are getting some sort of honey in. Swarms have also started. If you want a swarm, it is best to put your name on the ABA swarm page.

So far there are no reports of a varroa being found in the region so hopefully we can get another season free from varroa. We do all need to have our plans in place though, so that we can put them into action when the need arises.

Our AGM is later this month so if you are interested in taking on a committee role now is your chance to contribute to the running of your club.

In November we are hosting the ABA AGM. After the AGM there will be some interesting speakers and the Col Pulling Competition. I hope to see plenty of people there.

Good luck with your beekeeping and I hope all your hives are doing well.